KE Cosmetics

Common Questions

All orders are shipped within 1-2 business days after receiving the order. It should be delivered within 3-4 business days within the US after being shipped. International orders are usually delivered ten business days from shipment.

If the item(s) in your shipment arrived damaged, please keep the box and item(s) and contact us at Please include a photo and your order number, and we will handle it from there.

We love our furry animal friends and would never cause them any harm. We do not test. Our products on animals were a cruelty-free company.

You can send us an email at:, or you can DM us on Instagram at Ke_cutie12

Scroll to the bottom of the page under help, select cancel and hit the "unsubscribe" button! We hate to see you go.

At least 3 mounts are stored in a cool dark place.

KE uses all-natural ingredients and uses pure essential oils when making our body butter.

A patch test is a simple way of checking whether your skin will have an adverse reaction to the new product.

How to do a patch test:

Choose a clean, accessible, and clear patch of skin to test the product on.

It should be an area that you can comfortably leave alone for up to 24 hours (wrist or forearm)

If there is no reaction, then you can safely use the product. If you experience a rash, redness, or visible skin irritation, then it is likely that you have an allergy to the product, and should wash off immediately. If you're unsure you're having a reaction, contact your physician.

We sure do! KE offers domestic shipping within the United States and international shipping to other countries around the world.